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The best tool to manage your asset browser just got better

True-Assets Officially Partners With AmbientCG and ShareTextures To Bring You 3500+ Materials And HDRi's:
Key Features

  • 3500+ Asset Library At Your Fingertips...
    • We've officially partnered with AmbientCG to bring everyone over 1900 materials and HDRi's right and ShareTextures to bring 1500+ materials, into the Asset browser. Unlimited downloads, no user account needed. Just browse the library inside Blender and drag what you need into your scenes. (Available in a Bundle)
  • USD, FBX And OBJ Asset Automation...
    • True-Assets offers functions for automating the 'assetization' of .USD ,.OBJ and .FBX files in as little as 3 mouse clicks. Object/s imported, textures found and materials added all at once!
  • Quick-Swap...
    • Is there something in your scene you wanna swap out? Too much hassle matching the scale, rotation and location? Quick-Swap it. One-click replaces the active object with ANY object in your asset-library.
  • Material Library Automation...
    • Point True-Assets to a folder of texture sets, tell it which of our awesome built-in shaders to build materials on and let it rip. In as a little 60 seconds, you can have your texture libraries converting into materials for use in the asset browser.
  • HDRi Library Automation...
    • Tell True-Assets your HDRi library location, make yourself a sandwich and you'll come back to a cleverly organised set of world shaders using the HDRI library you've managed to hoard over the years.
  • Convert Old Or Existing Blend Files Into Asset Catalogues...
    • The feature that started it all! True-Assets was specifically designed to take your old and dust-collecting blend files and convert the objects, collections, materials and worlds all into assets in the asset-browser so you can always access them in one click and drag.
  • Custom Shaders...
    • We'd be remiss to say that our shaders are the cream of the crop. We've carefully crafted 6 principled-based custom shader groups, so you always have the right shader setup for your material and worlds libraries. Turn your texture-based mats, into semi-procedural PBR goodness!
  • Free updates!
    • We will continue to provide free updates to True-Assets (Modules may be charged extra)


True-Assets has multiple options for materials. It allows you to choose from 3 preset custom-made material types: Uber, Plastic and Organic. Uber deals with everything else the other two don't (Woods, Metals, Rocks etc.).

All shaders come with custom controls for manipulating things like Roughness, Colour values, Metallic levels, Subsurface scattering, and, Translucency (Great for fabrics and Leaves/Grass). All shader controls can be found in the material tab in Blender.


Creating worlds will allow you to choose what file-type you want True-Assets to create worlds from (EXR, HDR, JPG etc.). At the point of creation, worlds will be generated with a thumbnail image of the sky so you always know what one you're dropping into a scene.

World shaders also come with custom controls for things like; Colour manipulation, Light intensities, Cleaning up the horizon lines, Blurring the whole image, Vector controls and more! Once dropped in your scene, controls are found in the World tab in Blender.


An asset manager wouldn't be very good if you couldn't Catalogue your assets! Well... We're the good kind.
You can create Catalogs either right in the Asset manager under the True-Asset sections OR right from the import section. So you know that when you want to create materials from your Ambient CG collection, they will go right there without the need to rummage through thousands of Icons to find the ones you need.

KitBash Support

You asked, we provided.
We know how awesome KB3D kits are, but we also know they can be a nightmare to get into the asset manager in one piece. True-Assets has a toggle on the import section to define if a blend file is a KitBash file or not, if so, we do all the hard work identifying the collections in those files, joining all the meshes for their respective groups, setting the rotation and dropping them into your library as a single mesh!


For when you need to change an object in the 3d viewport, but can't be bothered to line everything up manually!


FBX and OBJ Support

That's right! There is no longer any need to go through the hassle of trying to import your FBX or OBJ files into each scene every time you need them.

Just point True-Assets at any folder with FBX or OBJ's in and it'll automate the import process, materials if supported, and then categorising them in the Asset Browser so you can always access them when you need them!

Windows Context Menu

You don't even need to go into Blender to automate asset marking! If you're on Windows, you can install the Windows context menu tool from True-Assets preferences so even if you're just doing a spring clean of your drives and come across a gem of a Blend file, you just right-click it and create assets!

The UI

Simple User Preferences

Really simple user preferences

Choose what keymap you want for the "Mark assets and quit" function, and what assets to mark.
Choose the location of your True-Asset libraries. That's it!

Importing Things

Importing your asset libraries is offensively easy!

We have a history of creating addons with tonnes of options with 100s of variables, and thousands of outcomes. This time around, we decided to make it super simple.

Importing From Another .Blend

The obvious one! 
Marking assets from another blend file without ever going into that blend file... Magic.
Just choose the asset types that you want to bring in; Meshes/Materials/Node Groups/Worlds/Blah Blah. Choose the icon type you want, then hit that blue button at the bottom! Boom, now you've got stuff from old files always available!!!

Turning HDRI's Into Worlds?

The UI here is super simple too. Select your directory, choose the file-types you want to create worlds from, choose if they go into a catalogue on import, choose if we're packing those images so you can have those files stored in the .blend we make, and finally choose if we're snooping in sub-directories for other file types or not.

Get'cho Texture Library Sorted

Again, super simple to import textures into True-Assets. Point it at a directory, choose your shader type and BLAMMO all your wonderful textures, paid, cc0 or cough unscrupulously acquired will just be brought in and made into shaders. PS. You can make them go into a catalogue from here too... Just trying to make your life easier

Doing Things in the Asset Browser

Once you imported yo' stuff, this is where you'll be spending most of your time.

We have options for re-rending your icons with different camera angles. Options for deleting stuff you don't like. Options for making new catalogues, moving things to catalogues, and also jumping right into the source file and editing anything a little skew-iff.

Organising all the 'Things'

Select some things, click a button, and categorise them. Simples.

Deleting Some of the 'Things'

Don't like something, select it OR them, click a button; Bye Byeeeeeee.

Marking Assets and Walking Away

Been working hard on a project? Got some Suzanne's that you just spent too much time on? Don't want to mark all the assets? CTRL+W to save, mark and close the project!

Recap Time

True-Assets is a tool for asset management in Blender that simplifies the use of materials and worlds.

It offers features such as quick object swapping and compatibility with FBX and OBJ formats, as well as integration with AmbientCG for access to a vast library of high-quality materials and HDRI's.

True-Assets is constantly improving based on community feedback, and users can expect top-tier support and the opportunity to contribute to its development.

Join the True-Assets community for a better Blender asset management experience.


All the most commonly asked questions answered below

  • Why does this cost if AmbientCG is free?
    • True-Assets has always been a paid tool. The functions that it provides are worked on by people who work full-time, as with all our tools. We do not produce these tools in our spare time.

      With that, we provide full support, tutorials, documents, chatrooms and regular consistent updates.

      The reason for the price increase is that although the library is free to use by anyone for any purpose, we know first-hand how hard it is to manage content on that scale. And even though it would have been legal for us to just take the Ambient CG library and hook it into True-Assets, morally this didn't sit right with us. So we make sure that with every sale of True-Assets, a portion of that sale goes DIRECTLY to Lennart so that they can continue to create amazing content.
  • Do you support USD with True-Assets?
    • Yes, as of version 4.1, True-Assets does indeed support USD (Universal Scene Description). This update allows users to benefit from the versatility of USD, including its extensive composition capabilities, performance optimization for large scenes, interoperability with various 3D applications, extensibility for custom data types, and support for efficient, high-quality real-time rendering. Please ensure to consult the latest documentation or reach out to True-Assets support for further assistance and guidance on how to use USD within the software.
  • Do I need to sign up to True-VFX or AmbientCG to use this?
    • No! Unlike some other tools on the marketplace that use CC0 content and then get you to sign up to the tool-creators platform, we have no intention of doing that.

      If in the future we ever do come up with a platform for account sign-ups, this will only ever be so that we can provide updates and content directly to our tools through Blender. However, we will not block the AmbientCG library portion of True-Assets behind that account system. It's CC0 meaning it's free to use for whatever, by whomever and as a responsible creator, we will never block that behind any account verification.
  • Does True-Assets come with custom shaders?
    • Yes, True-Assets comes with pre-built shaders for materials and worlds, meaning all you need to do is point True-Assets at your texture or HDRi library, and we'll automate the creation of Materials and Worlds with whatever shader type you choose.
    • Currently, there are 4 material shaders and 2 world shaders to choose from. World and Material have 1 basic principled workflow, and then Uber shaders for the others.
  • Can I download as much as I want?
    • The AmbientCG integration has no limits on the downloads you can do. We (True-VFX) do not host that content, it is hosted by AmbientCG on their own server.
    • We have however implemented a system to reduce the amount of calls made to AmbientCG, by automatically storing any assets you have previously downloaded, so that they don't need to be downloaded again.
    • We want to make sure that as little strain is put on AmbientCG as possible, and make sure that users are getting fast and stable downloads from them whenever a call is made.
  • Can I use True-Assets for commercial use?
    • True-Assets can be used for any purpose!
    • Please bear in mind that AmbientCG content is CC0, however other content that you may use True-Assets to add to your asset browser may not be, and you should always seek confirmation of the license from the original creators.
  • What are the price differences for?
    • True-Assets is a single-user license, so if you work or have a group of people wanting to use this tool, then a license should be purchased per user.
    • If you have a team or group of 5 or more, then we have tried to reduce the confusion by offering a flat rate of $249 which covers any team of 5 or more users.
  • Changelog
    • The changelog can be found HERE

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I want this!

The most powerful tool to curate your asset libraries in Blender. Dive into 3500+ materials & HDRi's via AmbientCG. OBJ, & .FBX to assets. One-click swaps & elite shaders. Elevate your Blender game.

Render Engine:
Cycles & Eevee
Documentation & tutorials
Texture libraries to asset:
HDRi libraries to asset:
AmbientCG assets:
ShareTexture assets:
Batch assetisation:
Materials, HDRi's, OBJ, FBX, USD, Blender Files
Custom Icons:
Asset data management:
Batch Description, tags, names
FBX to asset:
OBJ to asset:
USD to asset:
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30-day money back guarantee


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