

9 ratings
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Probably the best sky tool available for creating realistic lighting, clouds and fogs inside of Blender Cycles

Who needs HDRi's when you can have True Skies?

True-Sky is a full-featured Sky tool that's been in development since October 2021, It's been through many iterations, been through 100s of hours of testing from when we first designed the clouds, to creating the skies, and then the atmospherics.

There isn't another tool that'll give results like this!

Day and Night Cyces!

You asked, we provided!

True-Sky just got a complete night system with automated day/night transitions, procedural and HDRi night skies so you're never stuck deciding on the right lighting for your creative mind!

Sky Presets

Because you all keep asking for us to do them... So here you go. Sky presets for those of you who want to jump straight in!

Complete Sky Controls

You're in control! There isn't a sky from dawn to dusk that you can't create. Need to make Alien worlds? Enable the binary star.Need a hazy morning, set the sun low and enable Haze

NEW: Click to place Sun

You're super seriously in control...

Now you just use the "click to place" button in the UI and PRESTO; You can click anywhere in the 3d viewport to place your sun!

We should get a Nobel Prize or something for that one

NEW: Use Sun Lamp

You're super SUPER seriously in control...

Sick of never knowing where your lighting is coming from while in 'solid' view mode? 

Not anymore! Click "Use Sun Lamp" and then rotate it around to get that lighting casting on the exact side you want! No more guessing while not in rendered mode.


7 Different types to get you started. Clouds really bring a scene to life, especially when the lighting is affected by them! 

Cloud Shadows anyone???

Cloud Controls

All the controls you need.

Need to move the clouds, controls for that! Need to make more... Yep
Need to make them thicker, or cover more clear sky?

We got all the controls to make your clouds look amazing!

NEW: True Speed

Up-to 50% render time reductions! FIFTY PERCENT FASTERthan True-Sky 2.0

To be fair, this button will make your renders less physically accurate, but only to a trained eye. We like to keep it honest around here!

Dusty Desert Scenes are a few Clicks Away!

True-Sky makes it super easy to create a moody, atmospheric scene in minutes! No longer will you have to worry about using the dreaded 'Mist' pass in the compositor!

The Wild-West Never Looked So Good...

Beautiful Nights

We did it!We only went and built a beautiful dynamic night system with 8 different night HDRi's, a custom SDF moon for full control, and light pollution to mimic cities and towns in the background!

World Haze

It ain't 'True' if it doesn't have haze!

The world we know has particles in the sky, those particles produce haze... Now we bestow this great power upon you!

World Fog

We all love fog!

Same as above... Earth has water, Sun heats water up. Water evaporates into the air, sometimes it hangs there; this is FOG.

We give you Fog

Hero Fogs


We also made some 'Hero' Fogs. It's great having the world shader stuff, but sometimes you just need a really nice, detailed and animatable fog to cover your terrains!

Rolling fog (Shown above) and Surface fogs are the ones you can add to any scene to give it a bit more mood

So Who's This For?

This is for the creatives who are looking for the most realistic Skies out there.

If you need to create a scene and light it with the most physically accurate world lighting, atmosphere and clouds; True-Sky is the tool for you!

On that note, True-Sky is powered by Cycles to make it as accurate as possible. This does come with the drawback of longer render times than other Sky tools, but we all know that "perfection takes time"

It's Not That We Don't Like Eevee... Cycles Is Better

Still Unsure About It??

If you're still struggling to decide, check out this tutorial we've made to see just how simple and easy it is to use!

We Promise You'll Love It!

Updates Currently Free to Existing Users.

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I want this!

Unleash realism in Blender with True-Sky! Create stunning skies, clouds, and atmospheres with ease. Elevate your art today!

Render Engine:
Documentation & Tutorials
User created & built-in
Hero Fogs:
World Volumetrics:
Exponential Fog & Haze
Sky System:
Full day/night cycle
Procedural & HDRI
Sun Placement:
Click-to-place/ Co-ordinate based/ Manual control
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30-day money back guarantee


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