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Feeling like your renders are missing that final touch?

That atmospheric feeling and this cinematic look? But you don’t know how to achieve this or even what’s missing?

You're not alone!

Let me tell you that you’re not alone and just found the perfect place to learn everything you need, to give your renders the final touch.

Don't make the same mistakes I did

I started with “Photoshop only” art years ago and spent countless hours digging through tutorials on how to achieve specific things. I was searching for tiny bits of information in an ocean of content and puzzling together a skillset to achieve the results I wanted.

Stop looking for single puzzle pieces

I created this course to help people save hundreds of hours searching through videos by combining everything I’ve learned over the past 5 years working with Photoshop and Blender.

From Beginner to Pro

We’ll start at the beginning, understanding the differences between 3D software like Blender and 2D software (Photoshop, Photopea, Affinity Photo, etc.), learning how to create masks and adjustment layers and use Blender data to our advantage.

In the end, you’ll be able to fix mistakes in your render, change colours to your liking, add atmosphere, fog, clouds, stars, light rays, rain, and snow to take your renders to a whole new level.

Warning: You'll get homework!

Seriously. Just watching the lesson won’t get you comfortable editing your renders. You must get in there and practice what you learned from that lesson.

That’s why I designed little homework tasks for you to try everything for yourself and get familiar with the UI and the tools we use.

Practice makes perfect!

>7hrs Of Video Content

~22GB Of Content And Resources

4,000hrs + Of Experience In One Course

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We created a postPRO Addon!

As we progress through the course we’ll take the pass data from Blender and if you've ever done that, you know it's tedious...

So we just made an addon that does the heavy lifting for you...

Select the ones you want and get denoised passes in no time. It even creates a clown pass for you in a couple of seconds! Check all the features

There is still more!

As we progress through the course we’ll take data from Blender and also use brushes inside the editing software to achieve specific results. The addon for Blender will make saving the data way faster and the brushes and presets let you achieve incredible results in no time. Similar brush packs sell for ~50$, you get it for free with this course.

Ok, let's recap what this course offers

  • >4h of course material with 9 lessons to take you from total beginner to an expert in post processing
  • >3h editing examples where I show you my whole workflow and explain everything
  • Photoshop files for the artworks we work with
  • Practice files for the “homework”
  • Brush and Preset pack worth ~50$ (can of course be used with the free alternatives)
  • Blender Addon to help you get the render data fast and easy
  • Cheat Sheets with hotkeys and tips for each lesson

Still unsure?

Just take a little peek into one of the lessons and one of the .psd files with the free tier. There is also a tiny brush pack for you to try out.

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A huge course in post-processing mainly done in photoshop, with an addon to export your layers automatically from Blender to help you comp layers in any image manipulation or video editing software

Video Lessons:
Content and Resources:
An easy tool to help export:
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